GENLISA™ Milk Ring Test (MRT) System for diagnostics of Brucellosis of Animals

SKU: KAD0120 Category:


Serological diagnosis of animal brucellosis in the Milk Ring Test (MRT).

Availability: 3 – 4 Weeks | Pack Size: 500 tests


This kit includes the following components:
– brucellosis antigen for the MRT. It is a suspended matter of heat-inactivated and phenol-inactivated brucellas of species abortus in 0.85% solution of sodium chloride with 0.5% phenol, haematoxylin-stained in blue or tetrazolium-stained in cherry-red;
– dry brucellosis serum is a blood serum of bulls (oxen) hyperimmunized by a live culture of brucellas of species abortus.

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Additional information

Sample Type

Cow Milk

Assay Type

Qualitative, screening assay




Preparations of the known factors were assayed for interference. No significant interference was observed.


This assay recognises both the recombinant and natural protein

Assay Principle

The S-brucellosis antigen for the milk ring test is agglutinated by homologous antibodies of milk of cows that are diseased with brucellosis or immunized with brucellosis agglutinogenic vaccines resulting in phenomenon of adsorption of the antigen-antibody complex by milk fat globules and formation of the coloured ring in the cream layer. The brucellosis serum contains specific agglutinins. It is used as a positive control for the milk ring test.

Detection Method


Test Reaction


Quality Certification

Validated as per KRISHGEN's Quality Program

Regulatory Status

For In-Vitro Testing Only

Results Interpretation

Qualitative Results intepretation on basis of turbidity.

Shelf Life Available

10-12 months at time of shipping

Alternate Names / Synonyms

Milk Ring Test, MRT, Brucellosis


The data indicated herein with specifications are changed from time to time at time of production of the assay. We request you to confirm the specifications including the assay range and procedure as per the most current IFU (instructions for use) accompanying the assay kit.