KRIBIOLISA™ Infliximab (REMICADE) ELISA – Total Drug

SKU: KBI1011-3 Category:


Enzyme Immunoassay for the estimation of Total (Free, Bound Or Partially Bound) Infliximab in serum and plasma.

Key features:
1. Developed using highly specific monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies in a sandwich assay format
2. Validated as per international bioassay validation guidelines
3. Recovery: 80-120%
4. Precision CV <10%

Availability: 3 – 4 Weeks | Pack Size: 1 x 96 wells


Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody which has high specificity for TNF alpha, and does not neutralize TNF beta. Infliximab causes programmed cell death of TNF alpha expressing activated T lymphocytes, an important cell type mediating inflammation; hence it is generally assumed that resolution of activated T cells by Infliximab explains its efficacy in Crohns disease.

Intended Use:
For Estimation of Infliximab (REMICADE) in human serum and plasma. Please note the kit has not been optimized to be used for any other animal species. Should you require a specific sera tested, please connect with us at for optimization.

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Additional information

Calibration Range

0 ng/ml – 640 ng/ml

Detection Method



80% – 120% to Infliximab (REMICADE)

Cross Reactivity

< 0.5% cross-reactivity observed with related biomarker.


No significant interference observed with available related molecules.

Regulatory Status

Research Use Only

Storage Temprature

Store the unopened product at 2-8 Degree Celcius. Concentrated detection conjugate should be stored at -20 Degree Celcius. Do not use past expiration date.

Shipping Temperature

2-8 Degree Celcius. Concentrated detection conjugate ship at -20 Degree Celcius in a second box. Freight applicable for both.

Research Area

Biosimilars / Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Entez Gene ID

ABP 710 Human

Alternate Names / Synonyms

Infliximab, Infliximab (genetical recombination), Infliximab-abda, Infliximab-axxq, Infliximab-dyyb, Infliximab-qbtx

Alternate Drug Brand Names

Avsola, Flixabi, Inflectra, Remicade, Renflexis

Drug Bank Accession Number



Direct Sandwich Assay


The kit uses a biosimilar research grade standard / calibrator. The standard / calibrator has been validated against WHO/NIBSC standard and/or against commercially sourced innovator drug where available. Please refer to the IFU for more details.